Parish News

PEW SHEET, week beginning  9th February 2025 Click HERE

PEW SHEET, week beginning 16th February 2025 Click HERE

WEDDINGS, BAPTISMS, FUNERALS, etc:-CONTACT THE CHURCH OFFICE - email Carron for a convenient appointment time during the week if you need to meet up. Emails are monitored daily and responded to within twenty-four hours (usually)...or ring 01691 652861 and leave a message.

Deanery Synod meeting open to all. Bishop Sarah will speak on Governance in the deanery and future working patterns on Monday 17th February, 7.30pm at St. Mary’s Kinnerley, SY10 8DB. (Coffee 7.15 p.m.)

LENT GROUPS are now being organized, and we are planning to offer groups meeting on Tuesday and Thursday evenings and Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. The Wednesday group will follow the Mid-week litany. More information can be found on the sign-up sheets, Parish magazine, and web site.

Book Club meets fortnightly,  next meeting Monday 24th February in Parish Centre at 7.30pm. We're currently reading 'The Splash of Words' by Mark Oakley, exploring faith through the power of poetry..

Occasional help needed with stewarding the Thursday 10.30 BCP Communion. Duties include setting out the Communion table, Bible, microphone, books and clearing away afterwards. We try to welcome people as they come in and may read the lesson or administer the chalice. If you can help, please leave a note in the office for Fiona or Annie.

STREAMING OF SERVICES: Would you like to know how we stream our services on You Tube? Would you like to help? Do you have a young person who might be interested? Speak with Carron for more information.

PLACE OF WELCOME Tuesdays in the Parish Centre 10.30 - 12.30 for coffee, company and chat. Everyone welcomeTuesda

RECYCLING FOR GOOD CAUSES – 1 Empty Printer Ink Cartridges

You’ll all be pleased to know that on the 1st May I sent off our first full box of empty printer ink cartridges to Recycle4Charity.

Our account with Recycle4Charity shows that the contents of our first full box of used ink cartridges raised £44.50 for Hope House, our chosen charity.

The company accepts all makes of printer ink cartridges e.g. Brother; Canon; Epson; HP; - both branded originals and remanufactured. Their value to our chosen charity ranges from as little as 10p (for the remanufactured varieties) to as much as £1.75 for some of the Canon cartridges – but most of the branded varieties which would otherwise end up in landfill are worth at least £1.00 each so please encourage your friends and neighbours to save them for you to bring into church –

Let’s see how soon we can fill our second box!

Here are some facts to encourage you –

 45 million cartridges end up in landfill each year, in the UK alone

 Cartridges take up to 1,000 years to decompose so it makes sense to re-use them as many times as possible.

Well done everyone - keep up the good work!!


Yes, we are still collecting used stamps, and they are still being passed to Mary Beaman, who gathers stamps from various sources in the Oswestry area, sorts them and trims them before sending them on - but - I don’t think we’ve ever explained where they send them on to!

They are sent to an organisation called  'The Stamp Fellowship' which began life in 1946 by collecting used stamps to sell to collectors in order to raise money for Mary Lovell’s Home for Blind Girls in Jerusalem. 

Today the Fellowship is still going strong and in the last four years alone has raised £21,000 for the Embrace charity which supports education projects across the Middle East. The ‘Embrace the Middle East’ charity is 170 years old this year.

The Fellowship has been run for the past 20 years by volunteer Gordon Young, who singlehandedly uses his expertise to both sort and sell the stamps to a network of collectors. His ‘Embrace Thrifty Fifties’ packs of fifty stamps based on a country or a theme are particularly popular

Needless to say they don’t make much money out of UK stamps these days, both foreign and themed stamps are worth far more, but as the saying goes ‘every little helps’ – so please carry on collecting. The stamps don’t need to be trimmed just make sure you leave as much space as possible around them.

If you want to know more or if you are a stamp collector who would be interested in buying stamps from The Stamp Fellowship, please go to

Chris. Abram

CHURCH PRAYER BOOK –  is kept in the church office as before and names can be added to it personally when the office is open, or by posting names/prayer requests in the prayer box in church. The prayer box is opened ahead of the main Sunday service


You can check the Foodbank website for up-to-date lists of their urgently needed items.

If you are unable to get out to make a donation of food, please consider a Standing Order to the Foodbank.  Here are the bank details:-

Bank: HSBC

sort code: 40-35-32

Account number 11785451

name; Oswestry and Borders foodbank.



Visit our page at :-

 St Oswald's Parish Church, Oswestry.




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